Pat your weaves ladies!!!
So I woke up in a fantabulous mood this morning, although my head was slightly hurting I felt really good!! And guess what, I weighed myself and yall... I'm losing some pounds... yeah buddy!!!
Ok, so anyways, I was doing my daily drive into work today and Beyonce's song "Get Me Bodied" came on. Have you ever listened to a song and no matter how many times you listen to it, it never gets old, and it always makes you wanna dance!!?? So as I am driving down Broadway in the fog trying not to get in an accident, I am patting my weave!! lmao (You know yall love that part, that and the do the uh oh part!!! lol)
So anywho, this is just my happy morning random ramble for the day!! I hope everyone has a beautiful day. Stay motivated and focused!!
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