Kwantina, Corlasia, Allopecia, Fellatia... Names or Diseases?!?

Ok, so this rant might hurt some feelings but I just dont get it... I dont understand why parents name their kids names that THEY cant even correctly spell 100% of the time!?  Don't you understand that if your baby has to clap four or five times to count the syllables something is very very wrong!!

And whats even funnier is that people lie to their friends all the time and say ooh that is such a pretty name... OMG no its not stop lying to them...  half the time those names sound like foot fungus'!!!

People step your name game up, and get it fricken together!!  Stop naming these beautiful little girls names like Kwalasia or handsome little boys Quantanamo...fool thats a prison!!! LMAO  I'm just saying...

Ok, rant over!! :-)  Have an amazing weekend, I am sure I will pop in again!!




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