I Flaked... and I feel bad!!

Today I flaked on a friend whom invited me somewhere and I feel horribly bad about it!  But I was tired, didnt feel well, and just didnt feel like going... but does that justify the flakeage?!

This incident brought me to thinking... is there ever justification for flaking on someone? I mean yeah you have your no brainer flake excuses...kids sick, family emergency or something like that...but other then that is it ever ok to flake?

I have to admit this is something that I do often.. I change my mind so fast and its horrible!! I can totally feel like doing something at 10am, but when 8pm comes around, I may not feel like doing it anymore...Hmmm, I think this is something that I need to talk to Dr. Phil about lol... get to the root of the problem! :-)

So I am publicly apologizing to my friend, and I owe you!  Alrighty I am done rambling I am tired and about to lay it down!! Until the next ramble comes to mind...



  1. You are a flake, I can attest to that, however I don’t believe in doing something you don’t want to do (this includes feeling like doing it at the time) so as they say it is what it is. I don’t think you should waist time feeling bad about it (that’s if you truly do feel bad) more times than not we feel bad about what the other person will think of us for flaking but not feel bad about the actual flaking.

    I had a friend flake on me in a major way before I left for deployment, I mean on some real last minute shit to, however I hope she didn’t feel bad about it because I just keep in the back of my mind she owes me, and yes she will pay!!!!!!! LMAO


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