Went Shopping and MADE money!!!

Ok, so you all know I go on my hiatuses, then put some random post up... well this morning I woke up and went shopping at CVS and damn if I didnt get paid to shop!!! Now ok, I didnt make a whole lot of money, but all of my stuff in the end was free, and I ended up making $1.78.  Don't snicker at that change... that is a large sweet tea at McDonalds, that is a gallon of water at the dollar store...Shoot that $1.78 adds up!!!

So this is what I did...  I split my purchase up into 2:

Transaction #1

Replenish Tampons:   $6.79
Gallon of Milk:           $3.39
Replenish Coupon:    -$1.00
ERB from previous:   -$7.00
Total w/Tax:               $2.45 (This is what I spent out of pocket)

Total savings on this transaction $8.60
From this transaction I received $6.79 ERB  for tampons to use on the next transaction.

Transaction #2

Softscrub Bodywash:         $2.99
Herbal essence Hair Gel:    $2.99
Airwick (4):                       $20.00
Airwick Warmers (2):        $3.00
Allergy Medicine:               $3.69
Airwick coupons:              -$10.50 (I had several of these coupons so this is just the grand total of that type)
ERB from trans #1:           -$6.79
CVS Coupon:                  -$5.00 (this coupon was if I spend $25 I get $5 off)
Total w/tax:                       $12.46 (this is what I spent out of pocket)

Total savings on this transaction $36.99
From this transaction I recieved $16.69 ERB for my next shopping trip.

Total out of pocket #1:      $2.45
Total out of pocket #2:      $12.46
total out of pocket:          $14.91
Total ERB for
next purchase:                 $16.69

I MADE $1. 78!!!! Like I said it isnt a gang of money but if you are able to shop for free why not!!!

Alrighty yall, until my next ramble or shopping excursion where I get a good deal...




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